Nios Admission
Toppers Mantra Education Center is providing Nios Admission and Nios Coaching to all the interested student of National Institute Of Open Schooling (NIOS). Students can now apply for Nios Admission 2021-2022 for 10th and 12th.
NIOS Admission are now open for the students who wish to give their exam in 2021. Students, who wish to apply for NIOS should apply soon because admission for the session 2021 October will be closed shortly.
NIOS Admission 2021 October session is for public exam in which all the students who are applying for the fresh admission can apply. Students who wants to apply for admission in 10th class or 12th class will fall under this category.
1. How to Pass NIOS Examination?
TMA is very important factor in passing NIOS Examination. After taking Admission in NIOS, the students are given to do some Assignments which are called TMA or Tutor Marks Assignments. These assignments contain of 20% marks in exam subjects.
2.How to get goods marks in Nios
Firstly, to get good marks in NIOS practical is also important factor for get good score in examinations. Practical are of 20 marks in the respective subject.
But all the subject does not have practical, so make sure you take the subjects which consists so that you get good marks from practical also.
In practical, you have to make a practical file from the lab manual. You may be asked to make some dish if you have taken Home Science. Next you have to submit that practical file at the day of practical and you have to give your practical exam at your study center or Practical Center which allowed by NIOS.
3. Main examination concepts
Secondly, comes towards the main part your Examination. Make sure you practice all the previous year question papers before your Exam.
NIOS exam syllabus is fixed so mark the important question from previous year question paper and practice them. In examination try to give exam in neat and clean handwriting and try to answer properly.
Attempt all the questions because if you have not written anything, you won’t get any marks. But if you write something relevant to the questions you could get marks for that answer.
In other words, writing is more important part of the Examinations because marks all depend on the writing skills of the students. They also check the quality of the students through the exams.
Books also play an important role to get good marks in your examinations, students have lots of choice available into the markets in the books. They can choose best for him from the shop and continue the studies in a right way.
These are the some basic steps from which students will definitely get good marks in the exams.
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